It has been a while since my last post about our journeys ~ and a few journeys have gone undocumented :( but, I promise to do better! We are preparing for another trip to Baja (shocking, I know!) and we leave on Monday, February 21. Our plan is to get there quickly (haha!) and relax for as many days as possible before coming home. For the first time, we only have two weeks, so we have to make it good!
Usually, we casually drive to our destination, wherever that may be, sometimes taking four to five days to get there! This time, due to our shorten vacation time, we are making a "Beeline to Baja". We hope to get to Baja on the first day (fingers crossed) so that we can spend a day watching the whales in Guerrero Negro (they estimated there are over 1400 whales and calves there right now!) and then get to our new Baja home in Bahia Asuncion.
Hahahaha! The road to where? was paved with the best intentions. We, of course, did not make it to Baja on the first day (I know some of you are thinking ~ yeah, we know you and the way you travel, we didn't believe it for a second!). Perhaps it had SOMETHING to do with the snow we've had the past few days; perhaps it was because we still had some packing to do this morning; perhaps it was because we had to take Mr. Peepers (our canary) and Squeek (our cat) to their respective vacation homes; perhaps it was because I forgot our Mexican cell phone and we had to go back for it. I suppose it really doesn't matter what the reason, the result was the same. We did not make it out of Arizona and are currently snuggled in for the night in Yuma. Oh well, as Lionel often says, "We were just getting our timing right."
At any rate, we will head for Baja in the morning (Lionel thinks we'll be leaving at the crack of dawn ~ I would like to offer a betting pool for when we actually leave :) ) and we will cross in Tecate and drive as far as we can before dark. We may or may not get to Guerrero Negro, but we will enjoy the trek as we make it. I will keep you posted as I can...